
Showing posts from January, 2021


 I am an empath. I have spent, and will likely continue to spend, my life attempting to be the peace for others. I love peace. I also love to help. If I see a need, I will meet it before you even ask me to. It's just who I am to my core.  I have spent a lot of time in my life reflecting on people that don't seem to "like" me. From where I'm sitting, I should be quite likeable. I would literally do anything to help you be happy. I have given money, gifts, time, energy, etc. to attempt to make everyone happy so that I can feed off of that and be happy. Even still, I was not enough for some. So, I'm here today to tell you something. Maybe this will meet you where you are. Maybe it won't. It's just really big on my heart right now.  You are you. Period. I know, it's a hard pill to swallow. Hopefully, as your life goes on, you grow and evolve. However, in this moment, you are exactly perfectly you. I'm reminding you of this first because, if you'